
Kyocera DNMG 431HK TC40 CERMET Inserts ** NEW IN BOX** (T&S)

$ 52.8

Availability: 100 in stock
  • Condition: New
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Brand: Kyocera
  • All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted


    NEW IN BOX!! Kyocera DNMG 431-HK TC40 Uncoated CERMET inserts.
    Insert Style: DNMG
    Insert Size: 431
    Chipbreaker: HK
    Insert Grade: TC40
    Material: Cermet
    Coating Process: Uncoated
    [IC] Inscribed Circle (Decimal Inch): 0.5000
    [S] Thickness (Decimal Inch): 0.1875
    [RE] Corner Radius (Decimal Inch): 0.016
    [D1] Hole Diameter (Decimal Inch): 0.2031
    Rake: Negative
    [AN] Relief Angle (Degree): 0
    Included Angle (Degree): 55
    Primary Workpiece Material: Steel
    Secondary Workpiece Material: Cast Iron
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